Our heart
We don’t just light up projects with our services, we’re active participants in lighting up our communities. We are committed to conducting our business ethically, being a caring employer, contributing to causes and communities through corporate philanthropy, and pursuing a people-first atmosphere.

touch fund
Touch Fund Midwest started in 2009 when Mercer Zimmerman gave each of its employees $200 with instructions to give it away to those around them in need. The results and impact on the employees was nothing but positive as they then began discussing ways to grow this concept. Since 2011, Touch Fund Midwest has spent well over $65,000 and helped touch the lives of over 150 families.

Team Hally
The sudden passing of 9 year old Hally Yust in 2014 resulted in an outpouring of love and support for the Yust family. Mercer Zimmerman employees, family, and friends have continued to support Hally's faith in Christ and love of basketball. Through annual fundraising events including the K-State Women's Basketball Team Hally Game and Dirty Dash mud run, Team Hally has been able to distribute more than 15,000 Bibles worldwide.