Sessions and Speakers.
“Lighting Design and AI – The Future is Here” – Credits 1 LU | Elective
Carla Bukalski, Product Management Marketing Director, Focal Point
Lisa Reed, Principal, Reed Burkett Lighting Design
Ask ChatGPT ‘How will AI affect the future of lighting design?’ and you’ll get an answer, “AI is poised to have a significant impact on the future of lighting design,” followed by a long list of what AI is expected to influence. ChatGPT concludes with “Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize lighting design by making it more adaptive, energy-efficient, personalized, and human-centric. By leveraging AI technologies, lighting designers can create more dynamic and responsive environments that enhance well-being, sustainability, and user experience.” In this session, you’ll learn if AI is truly able to assist with design, or if it’s on the verge of taking our jobs.
“Light + Office” – 1 AIA LU/HSW
Jamie McLosky, Regional Sales Manager, Fluxwerx
Current workspace environments continue to adapt to workers’ evolving behaviors and expectations in order to meet a wide variety of needs. Thoughtful selection of lighting in the workplace elevates the architectural environment, providing a level of functionality, well-being and visual comfort to space occupants, as well as enhancing the attributes of the architectural design itself. This presentation is a guide for understanding the considerations when designing for a variety of work environments and establishing the connection between lighting and human wellness. It gives an overview of key lighting factors in various office environments, and offers practical recommendations and strategies for designing and specifying lighting in workplaces.
“Reinvigorating the Community: A Kansas City Case Study” – 1 PDH
Jon Stephens, President and CEO, Port KC
Tim Cowden, President and CEO, Kansas City Area Development Council
The momentum in Kansas City is palpable! Hear from two experts who have their fingers on the pulse of the growth and development in the community. In this ‘fireside chat,’ Tim Cowden sits down with Jon Stephens to hear about Port KC’s exciting work in the growing Berkley Riverfront, including balancing economic development with preserving the architectural heritage of Kansas City, engaging with the design community, the role of sustainability, and lessons from the region.